EmeryGlide guidewire

The EmeryGlide guidewire is MRI conditional and  has FDA 510-K and CE-approval. Available at 0.035 inch diameter with angles or straight tip.

Thanks for bringing this through FDA
Dr Suren Reddy, Dallas Childrens/UTSW


MagnaFy MRI markers

  • MRI Markers can be applied to any medical device

  • Marker size customized to application and field strength

  • Marker size finetuning using MRI settings (e.g flip-angle)

  • Safe-by design application

  • Offered as B2B service or OEM service

Applied to devices used in: brachytherapy, radioembolization, angioplasty.

In the YouTube link you can find a video of the first MagnaFy marker coated guidewire. MRI (1.5Tesla, Uni Klinik Essen, courtesy Deniz Bilicen). Markers all along the length of the wire.

Marker profiles can be applied to any device:

  • Marker profiles detected by deep learning algorithms

  • Allows future real-time detection

  • Companion software to communicate to MRI platform

  • Support turn-key solutions

  • Support interventional MRI procedures

The product is in development and will be applied to our own guidewire (SmartWire) first. Available for co-development and application with OEM suppliers.

Development in collaboration with ADIS (Lausanne,CH)